First 300 RCD decisions now available

Back in January 2007, MARQUES -- the Association of European Trade Mark Owners -- published on its website a Review of the First 150 Decisions on the Validity of Registered Community Designs. Today a revised second edition, Review of the First 300 Decisions on the Validity of Registered Community Designs, was launched on the MARQUES website.

Presenting the Review at the Winter Meeting of MARQUES in the strikingly beautiful Hesperia Tower Hotel, Barcelona this morning, David Stone (Howrey) explained the methodology of the Review and its significance, also highlighting some of the major problems faced in Community design practice in determining issues such as prior disclosure. For MARQUES members, the report is available on the MARQUES website: click Teams, then Designs Team, then Registered Community Designs. Anyone wishing to make enquiries concerning the Review is welcome to contact David direct.