More copyright please, says SNP MP

The IPKat learns (via Impact and the Open Rights Group) that a British MP has put forward a Private Members' Bill titled "Sound Recordings (Copyright Term Extension) Bill 2007-08", with the apparent aim of "extend[ing] beyond 50 years the copyright term of sound recordings; and for connected purposes". What exactly this would entail is not yet clear, as the bill has not been published. It is, however, due for its second reading in the UK Parliament on 7 March 2008, when we should be able to find out more. This seems to be in line with European Commissioner Charlie McCreevy, who has recently been reported as saying that he wants the same thing Europe-wide (which is surely the level at which any actual legislation would have to be started these days).

The MP in question is Peter Wishart, who just happens to be an ex-member of the (embarrassingly awful, in this Kat's opinion, but admittedly quite popular) Scottish folk-rock group Runrig, as well as being SNP Member of Parliament for the Perth and Perthshire North constituency. On the latest update of the House of Commons Register of Members' Interests, he states, "I receive royalty payments from EMI/Ridge Records [Runrig's record company] for my recorded works with Runrig, with whom I serve as an unremunerated director. I receive payments for my published works from the Performing Rights Society."

Whilst the IPKat would be very surprised to see Runrig earning any money from royalties relating to their sound recordings in 50 years (although he probably won't be around to see it happen), he can see why Mr Wishart would want as much copyright as he can get his hands on, just in case. Could the hands (or even Hands) of EMI perhaps have had something to do with it too, since they have a much bigger vested interest? Should MPs even be allowed to table Bills where they clearly have something to gain from them being passed?