2007 UK JEB Exam Results

Although they have arrived a little later than some had expected, the results of the JEB exams from November 2007 have just come out. They are available for viewing (by CIPA members only, unfortunately) here.

(right: a cross-stitch depiction of the IPKat on graduation day; available here)

The IPKat, in all his various guises, would like to congratulate everyone who managed to pass any of these exams. This Kat (who passed his UK finals only last year) knows how hard some of them can be. It is certainly not a cakewalk nowadays, no matter what some of those with more experience in the profession might think.

For those who weren't so fortunate, the way to eventual success still lies ahead. With a bit of persistence (or sometimes a lot of persistence), you can get there. Or alternatively (for chemists in particular), you could comfort yourself with the fact that you might just be able to sneak in under the wire by getting your EQEs come this August.

p.s. Thanks to Claire Lazenby for pointing out that the results (at least the trade mark-related ones) are available sans passwords from the ITMA website. The IPKat now also notices that all the results appear to be available directly from JEB here.