New UK-IPO e-filing directions

A set of new directions have just appeared on the UK-IPO website relating to electronic filing of patent applications and documents relating to patent applications. These directions come into force today (31 March 2008).

As far as the IPKat can see, nothing much is changing compared with what was possible when the new Patents Rules 2007 came into force last December. He notes, however, that it now appears to be possible to do most, if not all, things in connection with patent applications at the UK-IPO online, provided you stick to using Microsoft software.

Merpel wonders: why is there no support for Apple or open source software? Does Microsoft have a monopoly even on patent applications now?

UPDATE (1 April): The UK-IPO have now issued a press release (get there while the link still works) regarding what they state are "major enhancements" to the e-filing services enabled by the new directions. Unfortunately the IPKat is unable to confirm this, as he has never used an e-filing service of any kind.