No picnic for the "I-POD"

The IPKat says thank you to Deirdre Kilroy (LK Shields, Dublin) for sending him this item from the Irish Times. It concerns the Irish Music Rights Organisation (IMRO), which is suing POD Concerts for €432,741 in alleged outstanding royalties relating to a series of music festivals going back four years, including the Electric Picnic concerts.

Mr Justice Peter Kelly, who adjourned the dispute today for three weeks to see if it can be resolved through mediation, admitted the case to the Commercial Court list but took the prudent course of directing that the total disputed amount be lodged in court, ordering POD Concerts to lodge their defence to the claim within seven days. According to IMRO, this is an acute case of "tomorrow" -- the day when POD Concerts' Mr Reynolds said he'd deal with the outstanding royalties -- simply never coming. "There are two sides to this story" said counsel for the event organisers. Quite so, agreed Kelly J, adding sagely that there were always two sides to every story.

Electric picnic here
Eclectic picnic here
Electric Light Orchestra here
Outstanding Irish royalty here
Irish equivalent of manana? Click here and scroll down to joke no.4
The long finger here