IP and Fashion conference and limerick competition: a reminder

Right: it would be misleading to suggest that this was the panel of speakers, but it can be revealed that not all of them will be wearing grey suits ...
Less good, however, is news regarding the IPKat's latest poetry competition. To recap: the IPKat is celebrating his sponsorship of this joyous event by conducting a competition, the prize being FREE ADMISSION to this event.
The rules of the competition are simple: all you have to do is to write a limerick which starts with the line "There once was a fashionable Kat". Please send it to the IPKat here, with the subject line "Merpel Limerick", by not later than midnight (IPKat Time) on 1 September 2008.
So far, entries have been rather short of the demanding standard set on previous occasions, so the IPKat urges you to tear yourselves away from your studies, client work or office-hours social networking and redouble your best creative efforts. As usual, multiple entries are welcome and the best entries will be posted. Warning: if you are afraid that the publication of your name will cause embarrassment or dismissal from your employment, please tell the IPKat before he has posted it alongside your entry.