G 3/08: Have your say

This month's Official Journal of the EPO contains an announcement relating to the EPO President's referral under Article 112(1)(b) EPC on software patents. As well as reproducing the questions first announced back in October 2008 (commented on by the IPKat here, here and here) and the composition of the board, the announcement says the following:
"It is expected that third parties will wish to use the opportunity to file written statements in accordance with Article 10 of the Rules of Procedure of the Enlarged Board of Appeal (OJ EPO 2007, 303 ff). To ensure that any such statements can be given due consideration they should be filed together with any new cited documents by the end of April 2009 at the Registry of the Enlarged Board of Appeal, quoting case number G 3/08. An additional filing of the statement and documents in electronic form would be appreciated (Dg3registry_eba@epo.org)."
It's not clear to the IPKat whether comments received only by email will be accepted, but he thinks it's probably worth a shot.  The IPKat expects that this one will probably involve quite a lot of statements, and he hopes that DG3 is prepared for the deluge.  

Update (29 Jan): Given the comments below, to be sure to have your comments included, make sure you first send them to the following address:

Registry of the Enlarged Board (G 3/08)
80298 Munich