Latest JIPLP

The January 2009 issue of Oxford University Press's flagship IP journal, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP), came out some time ago but IPKat team member Jeremy, who edits it, accidentally let it slip to the bottom of the pile of printed materials on his desk, otherwise he would have mentioned it by now: this year's cover colour is a bright and cheerful green (right). Topics featured in this issue include the following:
* An Australian triumvirate of Chris Dent, Elizabeth Hall and Andrew Christie examine both the rationale and the scope of patent attorney privilege;

* Stuart Helmer and Isabel Davies (CMS Cameron McKenna) reflect on how the European Court of Justice ruling affects the balance between the enforcement of copyright against file-sharers and the protection of personal data concerning individuals who do it;

* Katherine A. Helm (Fordham University) contrasts the enforcement of pharmaceutical patents in the United States, Europe and Japan;

* Joel Smith and Rachel Montagnon (Herbert Smith) consider how useful the new European regime of consumer and business protection regulations might be to the brand owner;

* Susan Hall (Cobbetts) explains the recent US litigation between Scottish author JK Rowling and the author of an unauthorised Harry Potter lexicon.
The editorial for this issue, "Locarno in the limelight", considers the Locarno system for the classification of registered designs -- a normally sleepy subject that has recently come up for some freshening-up proposals.

You can read this editorial in full, and at no cost, here
Read all the editorials of the past twelve months here
Full contents of this issue here
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