SANS Forensic Summit

Folks, let's not forget that the SANS Forensic Summit is coming up! Check out the list of speakers, presentations, and panels...this conference is going to be great!

Also, I spoke to the marketing folks at Syngress, and they are going to have a table at the Summit (graciously provided by Rob Lee) where they're going to have books available. Now, the way, wait...the WAY COOL thing about this is that several of the authors are also speakers at the Summit! So, if you don't have Chris Pogue's book, get it and get it signed by none other than Chris Pogue himself! Eoghan Casey's going to be there, too!

Finally, I have pristine copies (one each) of Windows Forensic Analysis (first and second editions), as well as Perl Scripting for Windows Security. I am going to bundle all three of them together and provide them as a give-away following my presentation at the conference.

BTW...the presentations from the 2008 SANS Forensic Summit are archived here! Take a look!

PS: I had a meeting yesterday and got there a few minutes early...I was meeting a friend for lunch and took a minute or two to walk through a nearby bookstore. Guess what I saw on the shelf? I'll give you a hint...I went to the Computer section, and was browsing in the area where they keep the books on security and forensics... ;-)