SANS Forensic Summit 2009

I'm really looking forward to getting to the SANS Forensic Summit tomorrow! This is a great place to meet, listen to some great presentations, and to chat with folks from various fields (LE, FTE, corporate consultant, etc.) in the industry. My hat's off to Rob Lee for pulling this fantastic event together!

Per the Summit agenda, I will be on the IR panel in the morning, and then giving my Registry Analysis presentation at 1pm, right after lunch. When I was teaching at TBS while I was on active duty in the USMC, we used to call this "the death hour", so I'm going to address this urge to nap after lunch with several live demos, as well as a surprise at the end of the presentation!

But that's not all! There's more! Check out who else is attending...Mandiant is well represented at the conference, and Chris Pogue will be there, as will Eoghan Casey. Chris and Eoghan are fellow Syngress authors, so be sure to swing by the Syngress table at the Summit, get a copy of their books, and then hunt them down to have them sign them for you!

There's a rumor that Troy Larson of Microsoft will be there as well...but I have to tell ya, while I've heard the guy's name and been told that he's been on conference calls, I've never actually seen the guy! As far as I know, Troy is the yeti of the forensics community! ;-) Hopefully, he'll turn up sometime before the live recording of Ovie and Bret's Cyberspeak podcast.

While I only plan to be at the Summit on the 7th, there are a LOT of great speakers and panelists who are going to be there, and this is definitely an event that anyone who can attend, should! Without question! Where else are you going to be able to have so many giants of the forensics community together in one place, from various areas (corporate, federal gov't, LE), and covering so many pertinent topics (memory analysis, courtroom preparation, etc.)?

And if you have a Captain Picard fetish and have a "thing" for bald men, this is THE place to be in DC! ;-)