Adware, Spyware, Malware, Oh My!

Hey guys! Double post today :) So I will admit, I have been lacking in the anti-malware category of this blog. Thats why today I will bring 2 new anti-malware applications to your attention!! The first, , is amazingly fast at scanning your computer, and even has a huge user base that swears by its accuracy. I do like this program, and I think it does remove ALOT of malware but I do know of some rootkits and trojans that slip through its feather duster of justice. So while allot of people swear by this program, it does not get everything. Which leads us to , The full version of this program costs some cash, but sure does the job. They also offer a free trial version, this is actually the version I installed. Believe it or not, the free version of this program turned up more mal-ware than most of my other programs(INCLUDING MCAFEE!). If the free version is that good, it can only lead me to wonder about the full version. . . Finally if all else fails, and neither of these programs can remove your mal-ware, or at this point its likely to be a trojan, than I suggest Hijack This!. This is a crazy powerful application, that can cause a lot of damage too, if you don't know what to remove. It gives you full control over your startup applications, and all applications installed for that mater. It really puts the power in your hands, just be careful how you use it.