Silver Light to Come

Hey everyone!! So Microsoft's Silverlight, is more or less Microsoft's answer to Flash. It creates cutting edge front pages for applications and looks much more business oriented than flash ever conceived. I really enjoy writing Silverlight code as well, because it is easy to visual edit, just like the Light CMS. This has a few more steps, like you have to install the Silverlight toolkit for VS2008 SP3. Then you have to write out some sample code for your application page, maybe a button or two, and give them functionality. Then you can import your code into Microsoft's Expressions Blend, which allows you to visually understand your code, then directly edit it, through editing the GUI!! It makes writing code for these extensive business applications quick like the Light CMS, but you get all the powerful functionality and tools of the Microsoft .NET framework!! I am going to put up some really cool Silverlight projects in the weeks to come, so make sure to stop by and check em out!