This Post is Basically for Bloggers - I'm Testing Blogspot's "new" Editor
[I'm just fiddling around with the new editor. I suspect this will be of little interest to anyone but Blogspot bloggers. And not even to those who have already tried out the updated post editor]
I'm just going to play around here with the new editor. Actually I'm not sure how new it is, but I just found it. It's not all that different, but it does have this text background feature that wasn't on the old version.
Adding pictures is completely different. It allows you to set the size and location in the post, not in the add image window.And if I make a mistake, there is now an automated strikeout option.
That was a jump break. I'm not sure what that does, unless I have a format that just gives an intro to the post and a link to the rest. [I took the jump break out because the post ended here and there was no link for the reader to jump. I'll have to find out what happened there.]
But you also used to be able to click on a picture and then enlarge it precisely by pulling the corner. I can't seem to do that here. [Update: Yes, you can, just double click on the image.] That's the driveway when we got home last week. And there's still no snow in town, though the mountains are white.
One problem I've always had is that if I have pictures on the left and right, they never look the way they will when it actually posts. Let's see if this solves that.
If you're using blogspot and haven't tried this new editor, you can get it by going to
One more things about the new Insert Image tool. You can put the picture where you want it in the post. It doesn't just go to the top. That's something I've wanted for a long time.
I'm doing a presentation on blogging at the Apple User Group Wednesday night. I can do this because most people, even there, seem to not really know what a blog is. They've heard about it, but aren't sure what it is. So I seem like an expert in comparison. But I'm not sure it's a good thing or bad thing that I discovered this new editor just before I do that. Oh well.
I realized while I was posting here that I haven't seen the Blogger Buzz website for a long time and that's why I didn't know about the new editor. Well there's a lot I didn't know about. It looks like they put the page break in automatically. So probably this stuff I'm writing here below the page break won't be seen by people who don't do the jump.
And label clouds - I've seen them on people's blogs, but now I see how I can do that if I want.
And when I just put in the link for Blogger Buzz above, I found that you can test the link in the link window now. And there's a way to automatically insert an email link. You don't have to do the html to do that now. Here's the link to Blogger's page on "the new post editor."
I'm just going to play around here with the new editor. Actually I'm not sure how new it is, but I just found it. It's not all that different, but it does have this text background feature that wasn't on the old version.
Adding pictures is completely different. It allows you to set the size and location in the post, not in the add image window.
That was a jump break. I'm not sure what that does, unless I have a format that just gives an intro to the post and a link to the rest. [I took the jump break out because the post ended here and there was no link for the reader to jump. I'll have to find out what happened there.]
- The add pictures function is no longer available in the edit html mode. Let's see about lists.
- These were always troublesome if you wanted to have sub headings
- Ah, much easier. All I had to do was push tab.
- Now let's see how I get out of here.

But you also used to be able to click on a picture and then enlarge it precisely by pulling the corner. I can't seem to do that here. [Update: Yes, you can, just double click on the image.] That's the driveway when we got home last week. And there's still no snow in town, though the mountains are white.
One problem I've always had is that if I have pictures on the left and right, they never look the way they will when it actually posts. Let's see if this solves that.
If you're using blogspot and haven't tried this new editor, you can get it by going to
- Customize
- Settings
- Basic
One more things about the new Insert Image tool. You can put the picture where you want it in the post. It doesn't just go to the top. That's something I've wanted for a long time.
I'm doing a presentation on blogging at the Apple User Group Wednesday night. I can do this because most people, even there, seem to not really know what a blog is. They've heard about it, but aren't sure what it is. So I seem like an expert in comparison. But I'm not sure it's a good thing or bad thing that I discovered this new editor just before I do that. Oh well.
I realized while I was posting here that I haven't seen the Blogger Buzz website for a long time and that's why I didn't know about the new editor. Well there's a lot I didn't know about. It looks like they put the page break in automatically. So probably this stuff I'm writing here below the page break won't be seen by people who don't do the jump.
And label clouds - I've seen them on people's blogs, but now I see how I can do that if I want.
And when I just put in the link for Blogger Buzz above, I found that you can test the link in the link window now. And there's a way to automatically insert an email link. You don't have to do the html to do that now. Here's the link to Blogger's page on "the new post editor."