AIFF 2009 - Awards Gala Live - The Winners Are...

[UPDATE Monday Dec. 14 late: Trying to blog live and video at the same time meant I didn't quite get everything perfect.  So I finally got around just now to checking the AIFF see who the winners were.  They don't have all of them up though and I have the Snowdance winners different.  I have video of the announcements of the winners, but haven't had a chance to check it yet.  I'm going to correct the ones I know are wrong (Das Pocket - there was a film with Pocket - should be Das Paket.  And I didn't catch the name Deadspiel.)  Then I'm going to check the video to see what they said.  I think almost everything I have up is correct, but some of the names of the Snowdance categories are not quite right.  Also I didn't get up the Quick Freeze Winners.  I'll fix what I can now and get the rest later.  Sorry to Deadspiel and Das Paket particularly.]

8:23pm The gala's opened with dancers. I'm sitting too close to the front to get them in my camera.

8:27pm The dancers and music are really quite interesting.

8:29 The name of the local dance group was announced, but I wouldn't even try to spell it.
Starting with the Super Shorts Category (all the films in competition except in this category
are listed in the post before the last one). Over 90 films

Runner up: Countdown
2nd Place:  Not sure what she said Deadspiel
Winner: Das PocketPaket

Short Films:  
 Runner Up:  Luksus
2nd Place:  Miracle Fish
Winner:  Next Floor


Runner Up: Calypso
2nd Place: The Mouse that Soared
Winner: Topi

Rand Thornsley, the President of the Film Festival Board is now thanking everyone, with Tony and Dawnell at his side.  He mentioned this is the lowest price festival in the US - and the $7 admission price will go up next year.  (Boos in the audience)

Now he's going to recognize some volunteers.  Volunteer from San Francisco, Don Chin [Chan,] coming up to the stage.

Beth Varner, Volunteer Coordinator, from Seattle Film Festival.

There's going to be a break now, then the rest of the awards soon.  Coming up:

Snowdance  [UPDATE Monday Dec. 14 late - checking on the categories and places - I've put below my original list in this category, what the AIFF website says, but it's at odds with what I remember from last night.  Will check the video.]

Can't Wait to See More Category:  Paxson Woelber,
Captures the Alaskan Experience:  Fat Bike, Maria Williams, Beautiful Journey
Best that shows the beauty of Alaska:  Josh Thomas and JJ Kelly for Paddle to Seattle

Best Outdoor Adventure:  Mount St. Elias

Honorable Mention [Short Film]:  Michael Conti Play Balls of Ice
2nd Place:  Peter Dunlap-Shohl Frozen Shorts

Winner:  Mary  Katzke -   About Face

[UPDATE Dec. 14 late:  here's from the AIFF website - About Face is missing
Frozen Shorts (Snowdance best short film)
Hugo in the Land of Lemmonsharks (Snowdance ‘can’t wait to see more’)
The Prospector (Snowdance ‘can’t wait to see more’)
Balls of Ice (Snowdance Honorable Mention Short Film)
The Perils of Technology (QuickFreeze 2nd place)
Smoke and Shadows (QuickFreeze winner)]

10:30 This is really embarrassing. My battery died as we went into the documentary winners and I couldn't find an outlet where I could also see what was going on.  Here's the list and I'll clean this up later.


Short Documentary

Runner Up:  Trip to Hell and Back
2nd Place:  Frequent Flier
Winner:   A Time Comes

Runner Up:   A Sea Change
2nd Place:   Playground
Winner:   Tapped

Runner Up: Son of the Sunshine
2nd Place:  Bomber
Winner: Hipsters


Audience Choice Awards

Runner Up:  Mount St. Elias
Winner:  Paddle to Seattle

Runner Up:  Dear Lemon Lima
Winner:  Hipsters