AIFF 2009 - Today's Films While Awaiting the Awards Ceremony

We started out at 12:30pm today watching Pachamama - a Bolivian film that took us on the salt caravan.  The llamas carried blocks of salt through the mountains to villages that are off the road system.  The man leading the caravan said several times, that this might be the last caravan since trucks are much more efficient, but he was going to these villages the trucks couldn't reach.  It was like going to off-road Bolivia for 90 minutes.  Last night we were in China the same way, traveling with migrant workers and seeing glimpses of their lives as they went from the villages to the larger cities in search of work. 

From there I went to the Alaska Experience theater to Neil Mansfield's film maker workshop.  I loved Neil's film last year and hearing him talk about the tricks of the trade was fascinating.  I've got some video of the workshop and will get that up.  I did feel a little self conscious though making my hip pocket video of this guy talking about how to really make film. 

Then to Out North where I got to say hello to Robyn Bliley, who filmed Circus Rosaire, and who had just finished her workshop.  Then I got to watch Vincent.  An interesting film about this Chicago character who wears flamboyant colorful suits and does little shows for the tour boats in downtown Chicago.  The movie took us past the stories that various people had made up to explain Vincent to show us who he really is.  I love it when we get past the facades like that. 

Now I'm at the Awards Gala.  I'll stop here and start a new post.