AIFF 2009 - Picks for Saturday

Some of the best films we've seen are on again today.

Documentary:  Prodigal Sons plays at 1pm at Alaska Experience Theater.  This was a real surprise and my favorite in the documentaries that I've seen. 

Features:  Hipsters at 7:30pm   and Birthday at 10:15pm at the Bear Tooth

I'd try to get tickets in advance for the two features. I suspect they'll be sold out. They are both outstanding - though very different - films. The Least Among You is at the Bear Tooth at 3 and is worth seeing. The lead actor - Lou Gosset Jr. is also in the film - is an Anchorage East High graduate and he'll be there to answer questions after the movie.

We're going to try to catch up on ones we've missed: Supershorts 2 at 1 at Out North, Shadow Billionaire at 3:15 at the Alaska Experience, and uncertain about after that. And there's the film workshop at Out North at 3pm, but we can only be at one place at a time.

We also want to see Vincent, but that plays again Sunday.