AIFF 2009 - Too Many Movies Mind's Going Fast

On the way to the Bear Tooth, there was a moose on one of the busiest intersections in town - Northern Lights and A Street. 

At the Bear Tooth, the Martini Matinee had five shorts scheduled in the program and two were added, so that's seven. 

Supershorts at Out North had 14.

Then back to Bear Tooth we saw "The Least Among You." (Something coming soon.)

Finally,  the shorts program "Love and Pain" which had 10. 

So that's 32 films yesterday.  So it's ok that I can't remember them all. 

For this post I'll just talk about two films from Super Shorts 1:  The Eclectic Collection - The Burger and Shave - and one from the Martini Matinee - Fat Bike. 

(The projection booth at Out North.)

All three of the films hit home.  Shave was a kid talking about his dad who always had a mustache until one day his dad came out without his mustache and the kid freaked out.  It wasn't his dad.  He'd only known the dad with a mustache.  On my first trip back to Thailand after serving in the Peace Corps there, I decided I needed to shave my beard.  Facial hair just wasn't cool in Thailand back in those days (today it is).  So I came out of the bathroom in Tokyo with a naked face, not thinking that much about it.  But my son, about 12 at the time, looked at me stunned.  "This is a trick isn't it?  Put your beard back on."  This was from a smart kid, so it must have been a real shock. It had been about eight years since he'd seen me without a beard and after watching the film, I understand his reaction better.

The Burger should be shown to all men before they get married - or maybe earlier.  It's about a woman who suggests that her husband (boyfriend?) order a burger at the restaurant.  He doesn't understand why she doesn't order one herself.  Women, you can explain it to the men in your lives.  Or better yet find a copy of the movie. 

Fat Bike was about riding bikes all winter in Anchorage.  They use very fat tires to ride through snow.  The picture is of the Susitna 100 mile race.  They had to walk their bikes a lot because it was snowing a lot during the race.  There was even a glimpse of friends - Yvonne and Scott - among the racers.  It is wonderful to ride your bike any time and when there's snow out, there's a particular bike high you get.