Lions, and tigers, and DECAF...oh, my!

Most of us are aware that DECAF is back, with a new version. Ovie had interviewed Mike and posted the podcast (I'd also posted, and others had commented), and the next day, the original DECAF was taken down. Now it's back, like Die Hard sequels, or a bad MRE...but I kid. See? Smiley face. ;-)

So, how do DECAF and tools like it affect the current state of incident response (IR) and digital forensics (DF) analysis, if at all?

In order to discuss this, let's go back to COFEE. MS released COFEE as an LE-only tool, and IMHO, that's the reason for the hoopla surrounding its release and subsequent "leak"...that it was LE-only. The fact of the matter is that while COFEE was released by MS, and includes the use of several native Windows apps and some from MS/SysInternals, it's really just a glorified batch file with some add-ons to make it's use and deployment easier...which, I think, is the key to understanding the nature of COFEE.

While COFEE was released by MS, it wasn't developed by MS in the way that Windows 7 or MSWord were...instead, it was a small group within MS that led the charge on developing and releasing COFEE to law enforcement.

Now, please understand...I am not disparaging the efforts of this group at all. In fact, I applaud their efforts in stepping forward and taking the first step to do something. I mean, there have been plenty of similar frameworks out there for folks to choose from, and some of them very good...but for some reason, COFEE was very well received. However, I will suggest that perhaps making something too easy to use isn't always the best solution. Sometimes, when it really comes down to it, it may be better...albeit not necessarily easier... to educate the user than it is to make a tool easier to use and deploy.

Given that, my own personal, overall assessment of COFEE is that it's a tool produced by folks who don't do a great deal of IR or "live response" work, for folks who don't do a great deal of IR or "live response" work. Don't make this statement out to be something that it isn't...I'm not disparaging anyone when I say this. All I'm saying is that in the corporate arena, many of us have taken the time and effort to educate ourselves on the issues and nuances of live response, whereas LE may not have had that sort of time...after all, when I'm reading or testing stuff, I'm sure most LE are diligently working to put bad guys in jail.

Then there was DECAF. I remember that there was discussion about "LE-only" this and "vulnerabilities" that. However, listening to the CyberSpeak podcast interview, there's no specific mention of what those "vulnerabilities" are. The "vulnerability" that Mike and friends found in COFEE was never specifically stated during the interview, pretty much leaving that particular issue up to speculation on the part of the community as a whole.

So where does that leave us? I'd suggest that the release of DECAFv2 really doesn't change anything at all. Here's why...

First, I don't necessarily see a vast deployment of this sort of tool. Think about much encryption is being used for nefarious purposes? From what I've seen over the past 10 or so years, as well as from talking to others, the use of steganography outside of the academic or lab environment seems to be another one of those "urban legends" of digital forensics. Even when looking at some pretty sophisticated or large-scale intrusions, I (and others) haven't seen a great deal of what's generally referred to "anti-forensics". I hate to say it, but it really isn't necessary.

Second, I don't see this being deployed on servers to any great extent. I mean, really...think about it. Your company gets compromised and a great deal of money is spent to get a consulting team on-site to assist. Do you want to be the one to explain to the CEO why you installed DECAF on a system, when the efforts of the responders were hampered, or worse, the system BSoD'd?

Third, DECAF is signature-based, and does ship with some default signatures (although I have no idea what "FTK Imager Port" is from the Press Release page...I don't use any tool named that, so I guess I'm safe). Beyond that, how many users are going to go about crafting and distributing custom signatures? I mean...really. Better yet, who's going to write the DECAF signature for DECAF?

Fourth, let's say that you do encounter a system with DECAF's likely going to be an uber-admin's desktop or laptop...and there are other ways to collect data. Like pull the hard drive out and image it. Sure, you may not be able to get volatile data, but you may not need it for what you're doing, or you may have other data available to you.

Finally, I have no doubt that someone's going to come up with a DECAF detection tool. There are tools available that will detect the presence of whole disk or volume encryption on live systems, and detecting the presence of DECAF running...and doing so using a tool with random signatures (remember RootkitRevealer??) makes use of capabilities that have already been employed. In a way, this reminds me of the whole escalation stuff that happens with combat weapons. Tanks have armor, so someone makes a TOW missile. Then someone puts reactive armor on the tank. Then someone else puts a probe on the end of the TOW missile. And on. And on. DECAF comes out...someone else will ultimately produce a DECAF detection tool.

Circling back around to the beginning of the post, what we, and in particular LE, don't necessarily need is easier to use tools. Sure, there's a certain level of usability in GUI-based tools over CLI-based tools, but what's needed is education, first and foremost. After all, a knowledgeable responder is better prepared. Knowing is half the battle! or something like that...