Phil Munger, Composer

One of the reasons Progressive Alaska is such an interesting blog is that its blogger, Phil Munger, has worn so many hats that give him intimate knowledge about so many important topics in Alaska and beyond.  One of his hats is musician, composer.  Last night he and his wife Judy Youngquist celebrated their 30th Anniversary with a lot of others who crowded into their Wasilla home. 

At one point Phil invited me downstairs to his home studio to see his set up and to hear some of his new unfinished work.  Here's a glimpse of that studio and his music on the speakers and on his screen  - watch the vertical green line.  I wasn't able to figure out how, with just my Powershot, to get the light right for both the screen and the rest of the scene, so when I'm not right up to the screen, it just whites out.  And the water heater is in the same room and adds its own improvisation to Phil's composition.