Capitol Art and History 1

The Juneau Capitol Building, which houses the Legislature and the Governor's Office, is also a gallery of Alaskan art and history.  The walls are lined with old photographs, paintings, and carvings. 

The main halls appear to be of historical significance.  The stairwells have more current art - some by school children and some appears to be available to buy through art galleries.

This post has a number of historical photos that are on the wall around the office I'm in on the east wing of the first floor.  The building is on a hill.  There is a side door on the first floor that goes out to the street.  But the columns entrance leads to the ground floor.

I've merged the titles onto the photos so they pretty much speak for themselves.  These are most of the photos in our wing, though a couple had so much reflection on the glass I left them out.  Double click to enlarge them.