Thought of the Day

Today's TotD is this...what are all of the legislative and regulatory requirements that have been published over the last...what is it...5 or more years?

By "legislative", I mean laws...state notification laws. By "regulatory", I mean stuff like HIPAA, PCI, NCUA, etc., requirements. When you really boil them down, what are they?

They're all someone's way of saying, if you're going to carry the egg, don't drop it. Think about it...for years (yes, years), auditors and all of us in the infosec consulting field have been talking about the things organizations can do to provide a modicum of information security within their organizations. Password policies...which includes having a password (hello...yes, I'm talking to you, sa account on that SQL Server...) - does that sound familiar? Think about it...some auditor said it was necessary, and now there's some compliance or regulatory measure that says the same thing.

As a consultant, I have to read a lot of things. Depending upon the customer, I may have to read up on HIPAA one week, and then re-familiarize myself with the current PCI DSS the next. Okay, well, not so much anymore...but my point is that when I've done this, there's been an overwhelming sense of deja vu...not only have infosec folks said these things, but in many ways, under the hood, a lot of these things say the same thing.

With respect to IR, the PCI DSS specifically states, almost like "thou shalt...", that an organization must have an incident response capability (it's in chapter 12). Ever read CA SB 1386? How would any organization comply with this state law (or any of the many...state laws?) without having some sort of incident detection and response capability?

My point...and my that this is really no different from being a parent. For years, organizations have been told by auditors and consultants that they need to tighten up infosec, and that they can do so without impacting business ops. Now, regulatory organizations and even legislatures have gotten into the mix...and there are consequences. While a fine from not being in compliance may not amount to much, the act of having to tell someone what happened does have an impact.

Finally, please don't think that I'm trying to equate compliance to security. Compliance is a snapshot in time, security is a business process. But when you're working with organizations that have been around for 30 or so years and have not really had much in the way of a security infrastructure, compliance is a necessary first step.