The bare facts and the Naked truth

The silly season -- usually some time around August when there's no real news -- has come early this year, according to this little snippet from the New York Times (the IPKat thanks his friend and fellow IP Finance blogger Miri Frankel, for the link!).

Left: The Naked Cowgirl; Right: The Naked Cowboy [says Merpel, this must be the most superfluous caption ever to accompany any IPKat posting]

The story, somewhat inelegantly entitled "1-Man Rodeo: NYC's Naked Cowboy Sues Naked Cowgirl", relates how iconic New York character Robert Burck, better known as The Naked Cowboy (see earlier IPKat posts here and here on his IP prowess), is suing Sandra Brodsky (better known as stripper-turned-comedienne Sandy Kane) in order to prevent her styling herself The Naked Cowgirl. Burck alleges that Kane is damaging his brand, which has helped him rake in earnings of up to $1,000 a day for strumming his guitar in Times Square.

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