Vampires, Zombies, and Robot Armies

Greetings Internet Travelers! We all know the classic story of Dracula, the vampire king. Lore has it, that if the lead vampire, who infected all other vampires, were to be killed all those he turned would die aswell. I recently watched an Imperva webinar on the industrialization of hacking. How botnet farmers are selling these robot armies to malicious hackers, and contracting out these zombie machines. Imperva thinks the wave of the future is massive scale attacks launched from these botnets, either lead by a single hacker's C&C or the grand daddy Command and Control center. If botnets are such a large problem, and are so difficult to stop, because by banning single malicious IP addresses from your site ( AND you could be blocking an innocent user who's machine has been zombified). We need a way to take out the ring leader, the Dracula of the botnet. My solution: One could somehow find the Command and Control center of a botnet army, then script out a command to free all of the zombie machines, to most effectively fight these growing Robot Armies. Even if it wasn't the grand daddy C&C, just a mercenary hacker's C&C we could still free a handful of these machines at a time. A form of vigilante cyber zombie slaying if you will. Maybe I'm too far into fantasy land on this one, or maybe I'm right on the mark. Either way, there needs to be a way to fight back against the zombie army.