Elina Networks announces Focussed International Expansion


Elina Networks is going international. With more than 300 customers in India across different verticals, Elina is looking to expand its business footprint in the emerging markets of Middle East and Africa.

Elina has established alliances with Meridian Technologies in Nigeria and SABME in the Middle East. Elina has enabled these partners and Elina's solution is helping the partners to position themselves as valued advisers to customers bringing business transaction continuity and enterprise visibility to customers business.

Shekar Nair, MD & CEO of Elina Networks, said, "Our international partners like SABME and Meridian have an excellent list of customers and a strong presence in their respective regions, and they find our products to be the right answer to some of the key customer pain points."

Eldhose Mathai, CEO of SABME, said, "We are seeing excellent applicability and acceptance for Elina's solution in the Middle East, complementing our business solutions and services. Our goal of ensuring the highest network and business continuity to our customers gets a boost with the Elina solution. With Elina's products as part of our solutions and support, we are able to provide an increased RoI to our customers."

In 2011, Elina will further strengthen its position in the Middle East and African markets, along with its special focus on the APAC region of South-East Asian market.