jQuery Components by Matteo Bicocchi

While searching for some jQuery plugins on the web, I found a great blog. I was actually looking for a drag and drop jQuery solution, similar to Draggable and Droppable in jQuery UI. I found Matteo Bicocchi's Blog by chance and I've literally spent a few hours exploring his jQuery components. Apart from the fact that Matteo seems to me a very good programmer - not to say a very kind person - I believe that the jQuery code he created is simply great. Just after looking at the demos on the blog, I realized that the solutions are neat, well conceived and really interesting.

I must admit I would like to find a way to use them... which is not really my usual way of approaching web development. However, those jQuery solutions are so good that you really feel the need to use them in your personal web pages. And that I think is the best thing that could happen to a programmer (very well done Matteo!).
I encourage you to visit Matteo's blog and explore the jQuery components page (and - if you dare - all the other things you can find there, like the iPhone MB.ILE project!).
If you are lazy enough, here is a preview list of all the available components:


This jQuery component let you add a sliding panel containing whatever you want on top or on left side of your page!


This is a powerful jQuery component to build easily a multilevel tree menu or a contextual menu (right click) in an intuitive way!


This is a useful plug in to build full featured and fully skinnable containers. The container can be set to draggable, resizable, collapsable and minimizable.


full featured photo gallery, with navigation toolbar, thumbnails, autosize frame.


A full featured photo gallery, with navigation toolbar, thumbnails, autosize frame.


Do you want to show a movie from youtube, vimeo, flickr, livestream, ustream? Here is the easiest way.


A useful component that let you build a tabbed interface really easily; ad you can even sort your tabs as you want!


A full featured photo gallery, with navigation toolbar, thumbnails, autosize frame.


A tool to navigate into extralarge images.


scroll your content with this easy tool.


Turn your HTML text vertical.