Look out, there's an IPI enforcement seminar about!

What! So few days to go!
There's not much warning -- but the Intellectual Property Institute is bursting into action.  In just over a week, on Tuesday 25 January, there is to be an IPI Symposium.  The topic is " Enforcement and the SME", and it will commence at the civilised hour of 2pm, at the IPI's very comfortable headquarters in the fashionable venue of 67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB.  According to well-informed sources,
"The event will commence at 2pm with registration and coffees, followed by an introduction by Tony Clayton, Chief Economist of the IPO and a presentation by the authors of the SABIP/IPI Report on Enforcement in Smaller Firms - Christine Greenhalgh, IPKat team member Jeremy, Robert Pitkethly and Mark Rogers - with responses from Belinda Isaac and discussion from the floor, followed by a drinks reception with the authors at 5pm.
Registration is essential using the attached form. The event is £50 (individuals), £30 (students) and free for IPI members. If you are not a member and would like to join as a new member to take advantage of the free attendance for members at all IPI regular seminars, please use the attached form and you can attend the symposium for free".
All are welcome, so please feel free to forward this invitation to interested colleagues and friends.  For further enquiries, please email the IPI office here or phone +44 (0)20 7882 8090.

Earlier post on the SABIP/IPI report here.