Check Browser Compatibility

When creating a new web site, it is very important to check browser compatibility. Sometimes customers are not really aware of the implication of that issue, but as developers, we know how important is a good cross browser compatibility. It is undeniable that we cannot have every available browser installed on our testing server, not to say every single version. That is why we have to rely on an external tool in order to actually see how the highest number of browser will render our beautiful new web site.
I discovered a useful site to do it. And I would like to make you aware of it, so that you can use it to test your work.

"Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different operating systems and browsers. It is a free, open-source, online web application that gives developers a convenient way to test their website's browser compatibility in one place. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your web site in their browser. Then, they will make screenshots and upload them to our central dedicated servers for your review."
That is what you will find visitng Browsershots. What really amazed me the first time I used it, is the actual possibility of seeing how a browser renders the web page. Secondly, you can choose from a wide selection of browser divided into O.S. (Linux, Windows, Mac and BSD). At the same time, you can select the screen size, colour depth, enable JavaScript, Java and Flash, in order to customize your browser check.
The service is free if you are not in a hurry, otherwise you can pay for a faster result.