Jailbreaking News

Hey LockBoxx fans!! So if you read the February Hacker News, then you know George Hotz (aka GeoHot, the man who hacked the iPhone aswell) is being sued by Sony for distributing their bootloader signing key. That key allows you to boot your OS, taking the product control away from Sony. They call it "jailbreaking", and with the iPhone it was actually made legal through the EFF's DMCA battles. So it should come as no surprise to see a class action lawsuit filled against Sony, under the same pretenses as the iPhone ruling. Even better news, in the case's first court appearance the judge upheld the 'right to amend', meaning this case is continue to climb the judicial ladder as they battle over DMCA laws. So keep an eye on this one guys! I think this case will likely spin out like the iPhone case, making across the board "jailbreaking" legal. Think about it people, if you bought the hardware, you should be allowed to load any software you want on there. If corporation want to make a device secure, and maintain product control, there is a way to do it right! Check out my Intrusion Detection (part 2) post, and see how Motorola makes the DroidX un-jailbreakable; because it is certainly possible to make a device jailbreak-proof, so long as the company understands security properly.