Wednesday whimsies

Don't like how IP is handled elsewhere? If you have not yet participated in the third Taylor Wessing Global Intellectual Property Index survey, there's still time to do so. You get a chance to say which of the 20+ selected jurisdictions run their IP administration and litigation, and which are, welll, dodos.  Click PatLit here for further details.

Free trial still on offer.  This is not the cost of a legal trial, however.  Oxford University Press's monthly Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP) is still offering, for the last few days, free access.  All you need to do is to enter a trial code. To set yourself up to avail yourself of this golden opportunity, simply click through to the instructions page and the rest should be easy.  If you can't be bothered. you can still get some idea what the journal's like by dipping into some of the content which is made available at no cost via its associated jiplp weblog here. STOP PRESS: there doesn't seem to be a code any more. The Kat will investigate on his return from Madrid.

Meanwhile, let us celebrate the fact that Oxford University Press --which is part of the University -- has charitable objectives.  This means partly that it can give publications away to worthy educational causes, and also that it can make some jolly generous discounts when it has its winter sale.  Books on offer at up to 75% off the regular price can be found here.  They include the Associate's Guide to the Practice of Copyright Law, which this Kat thought, when reviewing it for another blog, was very handy for non-US readers.

PatLit's latest PCC Page -- the 17th in the series -- asks whether a business which is suing for IP infringement in the Patents County Court for England and Wales might find that it is the victim of its own success, in that this makes the dispute too big, in terms of value, to qualify for the court's jurisdiction. To find out more, click here.

Ever wondered what happens to works once they enter the public domain? If so, there's a seminar just for you.  On the afternoon of Wednesday 23 March the 1709 Blog is happy to host a talk on exactly that subject by American live-wire academic Paul J. Heald.  While the details and the venue (somewhere in London) remain to confirmed, just email here, with the subject line 'Heald Seminar', if you'd like to attend.

The MARQUES Winter Meeting takes place tomorrow and Friday in Madrid. IPKat team member Jeremy will be there -- and he will be writing the event up on the MARQUES Class 46 weblog. But don't worry, there will still be plenty to read on this blog too ...