4 Most Common Web Attacking Techniques

If you want to secure your web application than first you must know about the common types of web attack and you should first attack on your web application to check that if it is vulnerable or not, for this purpose in this article we will talk about the most common type attacking technique that will cause a web server to compromise.

Cross Site Scripting

cross site scripting (XSS) is the most common type of web application flaws that reported now a days, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is to trick the browser to execute malicious scripting commands. Unlike a lot of other web application attacks, XSS
targets the clients instead of the web application itself.
Cross Site scripting allow an attacker to perform a variety of activities including: 
  • Insertion of worm into a website
  • An attacker may insert their code to perform tabnapping
  • An attacker may complete deface the website
  • Cross site scripting may be used to hijacking the session 
  • etc.
Injection flaws

Injection flaws including SQL, Hibernate Query Language (HQL), LDAP, XPath, XQuery, XSLT, HTML, XML, OS command injection and many more, but the most common type of injection is SQL and HTML injection. Injection flaws allow an attacker to execute a command on a server. This is how an attack works:
  • The malicious codes are sent in a HTTP request. 
  • The malicious codes are extracted by a web application and passed to the interpreter. 
  • The malicious codes are executed on behalf of the web application.

Cross Site Request Forgery

Although it sounds like cross site scripting but it is different a bit, cross site request forgery also known as CSRF or XSRF, in CSRF attack the trust of the user being exploited. In this type of attack an attacker show that the website is for your(s) [user]. It is a one click attack in which user redirect to make some request without a knowledge of lagetimate user. In CSRF user have to already authenticate the website before launching the attack.
In CSRF attack an attacker may use some HTML or java embedded image technique, Typically an attacker will embed these into an email or website so when the user loads the page or email.

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