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Working Remotely
Thanks to a tweet from Richard Bejtlich, I ran across this very interesting post titled, "Working Remotely".  The post makes a great deal of sense to me, as I joined ISS (now part of IBM) in Feb, 2006, and that's how we rolled at the time.  My boss lived about 2 miles from me, and there was an office in Herndon (with a REALLY great, albeit unused, classroom facility), but we had team members all over...Atlanta, Kansas City, Norfolk, and then as we expanded, Chicago, Corpus Christi, and Tulsa.  We lived near airports (our job was to fly out to perform emergency incident response), and FedEx (or insert your favorite shipment vendor) rounded out our "offices".

Even when we weren't flying, many of us were constantly in much so that when one person needed assistance with an engagement, it was easy for us to provide whatever support was needed.  Encryption made it very easy to send data for analysis, or for someone to provide insight to, or to write a script to parse a much wider sample of data.  Imagine being on an engagement and needing you send someone a sample of data, and when you wake up, there's a parsing tool in your inbox. 

Something that the article points out is that it takes a certain kind of person to work remotely and that's very true...but when you find them, you need to do everything you can to not just keep them, but grow them.  The article also points out that if you want the best of the best, don't restrict yourself to your local area, or to those who are willing to relocate.  And in today's age, remote communications is relatively easy...if you don't want to bring everyone together once a year (more or less) due to the cost of gas and air fare, Skype and $20 web cam can do a LOT!

Jump Lists
Jimmy Weg has done some testing of Windows 7 Jump Lists (and shared his findings on the Win4n6 group list), and found (thus far) that the DestList stream structure within the Automatic Destination (autodest) Jump List does appear to be an MRU of sorts.  In his testing using Notepad to open text files, the FILETIME object written to the structure for each file correlated to when he opened the files.

When testing Windows Media Player, Jimmy found that there were no MRU entries for the application in the user's Registry hive, nor were any Windows shortcuts/LNK files created in the user's Recent folder.  Jimmy also found that applications such as OpenOffice (AppID: 1b4dd67f29cb1962) created Jump Lists, as well. 

Jimmy mentions Mark Woan's JumpLister application in his post for viewing numbered stream information found within the autodest Jump Lists; this is a very good tool, as is the MiTeC Structured Storage Viewer, although SSView doesn't parse the contents of each stream.  I like to use SSView at this point, although I have written Perl code that will parse the "autodest" Jump List files (those ending in "*.automaticDestinations-ms"), as it is based on the MS OLE format, and each numbered stream is based on the LNK file format.  I have also written code for parsing the DestList stream structure, as well, and thanks to Jimmy's testing, the validity and usefulness of that code is beginning to come to light.  My hope is that by having shared what I've found with respect to the DestList structure thus far, others will continue the research and identify other structure elements that can be of value to an analyst, and share that information.  I've also found some deprecation issues with Perl 5.12, with respect to some of the current Perl modules that handle parsing OLE documents; as such, I've taken a look at the MS documentation on the compound document binary specification, and I'm working on writing a platform-independent Jump List parser.

Troy Larson, senior forensic analyst at Microsoft, added that the DestList stream entries are either an MRU or MFU (most frequently used) list, depending upon the application, and that the order of activities in the DestList stream is reflected when you right-click on a pinned application (to the TaskBar).  The order of items in the DestList stream is apparently determined by how recently/frequently the activity (document opened, etc.) is performed.  Troy went on to mention that as of Windows 7, other methods of tracking files have been deprecated in favor of the API used to create Jump Lists.

Ovie's posted a new CyberSpeak podcast, this one addressing the launch of CDFS, which I mentioned in my last blog post.  If you have any questions about this organization, I'd recommend that you download the podcast, and give it a listen. Ovie interviews Det. Cindy Murphy, who's been a member of LE since 1985, and invited me to WACCI last year.

If you want to learn more about CDFS, give this podcast a listen.

Ovie, it's good to have you back, my friend.

Hostile Forensics
Mark Lachniet has released a whitepaper through the SANS Forensics blog site titled, "Hostile Forensics". This is the name given to "penetration-based forensics", in which the forensic analyst uses penetration techniques in order to gain access to a computer system in order to further exploit that system through forensic analysis techniques.

The PDF whitepaper, currently in version 1.0, is available online here.  The paper is 43 pages long, but if this is something that you're interested in, it's well worth the time it takes to read it.  Mark lays out the structure for his proposal, which he states is the result of a "thought experiment". 


It looks as if x0ner has released PDF X-RAY, an API for static analysis of PDF documents for malicious code.

On a similar note, Cuckoo is a freely available sandbox for analyzing PDF files and malware that runs in VirtualBox.  Cuckoo has it's own web site, as well.  If you're performing malware analysis, this may be something that you'd like to take a look at, along with Yara.  These are all great examples of the use of open-source and free tools for solving problems.