Note’s in Navision 2009 RTC

Hi all,

While trying to figure out new features in Navision 2009 RTC I figured out a new feature called Notes/Links.

In Navision 2009 RTC, you will find a system part called as Notes.

Let’s see how we can use this.
Below is the image which shows a list of Sales order in Role Tailored Client and you can see a note window in the right hand side.

As soon as user opens an existing order or creates a new order, he/she can put his comments about the same and notify the user whose windows login is synchronized in the database.

As I opened a sales order, I can see a link for creating a new note in the right hand panel (Fact Box).
As soon as user clicks on the link to create a new note, he get a window opened which ask for certain information.
1) Your message/ comments.
2) User Id whose you want to send the notification.
3) A Boolean for Notify.

User select one of the user from the list and click on the notify Boolean and then save the note.
When the user login to its role center client, he can view all such notification on my notification page (part).

When user clicks on the link in my notification, he/she will directly redirect to the particular document.

This information can be printed in the Reports as well by some coding. we will see how to do that in next post.
Normally this information gets stored in a table called Record Link (2000000068).

URL 1 in this table stores the Link for the corresponding page and the message is stored in the Note Field as BLOB.

Thanks & Regards,
Saurav Dhyani