Open Invitation for All Hacking Geeks

Ethical hacking (ehacking) is one the best place to learn and practice IT security with different tips and tricks for various operating system and tools. This invitation for all the blogging and IT security geeks who wants to learn, who wants to share and who wants to spread their knowledge and skills with a broad audience. provides an equal opportunity for all the guest authors and we encourage guest articles because guest article provides you an opportunity to be active in hacking community. This invitation is for you come and join our team to tell the world what do you think about IT security.

Benefits of Guest blogging on Ehacking

  • Publicity get yourself among the security geeks and blogging lovers.
  • You are allowed to use your link on Ehacking!. That should be at the end of post (Author Bio, that provides a back link to your blog (website).
  • Your article will be exposed to all of Ehacking! readers (via RSS feed) and through all the social media sites (Like facebook,twitter,friendsfeed etc) we are currently on.
  • Your article will be displayed in the homepage for some days.
  • Ehacking has a PR 2.


  • Proper and original content
  • Related to Ethical hacking, computer tips and tricks, operating system related stuffs, and see tags for more topics.
  • Proper grammar
  • This open invitation introduce some more topics and features for guest authors, now you can share news, Linux and Windows patching and distribution update news and links. Latest tools and events and much more see tags.


  • Title should be informative and title must give a broad idea about the post, first word must be capitalize.
  • Post must be in the proper format like introduction block, body and conclusion.
  • Use images that will really helpful for the readers to understand the article.
  • Read Good Blog Writing Style by Philipp Lenssen it will really helpful. 


There are different ways available to submit your work and if you want to be a regular writer than it is recommended to join our blog as a author. The method of joining is so easy:
  • Send a request via contact form
  • With your gmail ID, we will send you request with more details.
If you want to submit a single article and even if you want to become a regular author but don't want to join than use contact form to send request.
The best practice is that first you must let us know about your article with short description than write it.
If you want to write but don't have ideas and right resources than do not hesitate do contact with us, we will give you the direction and resources.
Please note that copied and plagiarized articles are unacceptable.
Note: If you want to learn more about Linux and Windows based Penetration testing, you might want to subscribe our RSS feed and Email Subscription  or become our Facebook fan! You will get all the latest updates at both the places.