Katonomics: how far have we gone?

Regular readers of this weblog have come to appreciate the weekly Katonomics posts from the IPKat's own economist-in-residence Dr Nicola Searle. If you were tuning in to this blog in the hope of catching the next instalment, there isn't one today -- but don't panic! Last week's was the final episode in the first series, but there's a fresh series coming up in January, also penned by our worthy Katonomist Dr N (right)..

Meanwhile, it never hurts to do a spot of revision if you've read the first series before -- especially since some of the earlier posts are encrusted with fascinating comments from readers.  A review of Dr N's posts is even more beneficial if you are one of the many new readers whom the IPKat and his friends feel privileged to welcome to their weblog, since you will soon discover that one of the preoccupations of this blogger is the lack of awareness and understanding which IP owners, lawyers and academics have sometimes displayed towards the discipline by which the performance of IP is so often measured.  So, whether it's a question of "love your friend" or "know your enemy", here's a full list of the first series of Katonomics posts to help bring you up to speed:
  • No.1: The social contract theory of IP
  • No.2: The economics of trade marks
  • No.3: Evidence-based policy: the challenge of data
  • No.4: Where to look for an IP-oriented economist
  • No.5: The paradox of fashion
  • No.6: The economics of IP in pharmaceuticals
Merpel joins the IPKat in saying a big thank you, Nicola" for all this hard work -- and also for helping to place so many IP economists from Europe and beyond on a platform of scholarship which seemed at one stage to consist entirely of transatlantic personalities.