HTML5: is div dead? Not, really...

I must admit I am not a great fan of HTML5. First I've tried to understand the new tags and then I've started using them on new projects, sometimes ago. I even contacted the Doctors on HTML5 Doctor to submit some questions and prepare an interview to be published on the web thought. They were obviously too busy and, even if they initially agreed on the interview, they've never got back to me with the answers.
Anyway, in this short post I will try to explain where the new content formatting tags should be used and how they can replace the div tag... if ever.

A page structure
First of all let me show you how we can use the new tags in a page:

As you can see, following the above schema, every tag has its specific purpose.
In any case, we should remember that even if a tag is named "article", that doesn't mean we have to use it only when strictly dealing with articles.
Let's see every single tag...

The header is a place where we show general information, possibly repeated on every page. It can contain the company logo, for example.