Copyright Notice By Recording Industry - Latest Email SCAM

A few days ago i received an "official" email from Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) stating :

Dear hereby we notify you that your IP address has been identified as distributing copyrighted content.Please see the attachment to this for illicit Internet traffic details.

At first it looked pretty much o.k. as i was rushing through the mail ,in the morning  ,half sleepy -half awake. I was just about to click the attachment ,then suddenly the list of recipients flashed across my eyes and I was like Thank God !! i didn't download that file.

I looked into the email header and found that it was generated from an account that had nothing to do with RIAA.

This is one of the latest forms of e-mail scam that can be sent by official or unofficial account of some record label or Media  regulation authority  that carries the potential of tricking you in downloading the attachment file containing Malware , keylogger or trojan. 

About doing a bit of research i found the following scams floating around these days on the web :
  • -Your IP is caught involved in Downloading copy righted content -By your Internet Service Provider 
  • -You are invited to event about to take place in ,Please download the attached file to see the schedule of the event Note: Events maybe real ,but invitations are fake
  • -Your Cell phone was caught indulged in criminal activity , you are required to report at
  • office ,find the attached document to note the papers you need to bring with you to prove your innocence
If you get any of such (or related) e-mail ,just think for a while ,why in the world would some institution like RIAA contact you in such manner !

About The Author

Aneeq Fasi is our newest team member. He is currently doing his bachelors from Fast University. If you would like to become a part of our team, Kindly email to