Four Suspected Anonymous Hackers Arrested By Spanish Police

Spanish police claims to have arrested four people, who were connected to the famous hacking group Anonymous. Seizures were carried out in Madrid and Malaga, the suspects are reportedly involved in a series of attacks against the websites of political parties, companies and the Spanish police force.Some of the sites were defaced ,from others , sensitive content was stolen.

Political websites like that of the 'Union Progress and Democracy' party (UpyD), for instance, were infiltrated and replaced with images of people bearing vampire-like fangs.The hackers also published personal information of Spanish police officers and bodyguards online.

The group’s secure communication channels used the servers hosted by companies located in countries like Czech Republic and Bulgaria, they were remotely controlled from Spain.
After the approval of seizure of servers by judicial authorities of two countries , Europol experts were deployed to Bulgaria and Spain, the police organization said in a press release.No doubt they are hoping to uncover evidence which may lead to more arrests, or help with the case against the Anonymous suspects they have detained.

Spanish police searched four addresses, seizing 25 computers and confiscating related materials.In addition to the arrests in Spain, ten Anonymous suspects were also charged in Argentina, six in Chile and five in Colombia, according to a Spanish police press release.Like we have seen before, Anonymous may react to these arrests by launching more organized attacks in coming days.