Database security solution unveiled


Database security solution unveiled

McAfee has announced its new McAfee Database Activity Monitoring solution offering reliable, real-time protection for business-critical databases. The solution enables organizations to achieve much greater security management efficiency through its incorporation into the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator centralized security management platform.

The McAfee database security solution protects databases from external, internal and intra-database threats, requiring no architecture changes or costly downtime. The latest version of McAfee Database Activity Monitoring now supports MySQL and Teradata databases to ensure complete protection across the most popular database management systems.

"Teradata worked closely with McAfee to enable their support of Teradata in the new release of McAfee Database Activity Monitoring. Companies using McAfee can now realize the power of Teradata while better monitoring user activity and enhancing the protection of their highly sensitive data," said Jim Browning, Enterprise Security Architect, Teradata Labs.

"Typically, three out of four organizations rely solely on the native database security features provided by their database vendor. Organizations of all types and sizes that possess sensitive and valuable database information (credit card information, patient records, corporate financial data, etc.) are vulnerable to breaches which can be perpetrated by outside hackers or privileged insiders," said Slavik Markovich, Chief Technology Officer, Database Security, McAfee.

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