SAP rolls out New Products


SAP rolls out New Products

SAP, in its two-day fifth annual Localization Forum, has announced three new products - File Lifecycle Management, Policy Management Framework and Address Data Cleansing. Over 500 customers from across the country participated in the summit.

The event unfolded with a video message by Yueting Zhou, Senior Vice-President & Global Head of SAP Globalization Services, in which he reinstated the strategic importance of India both as a market and a development location. The keynote addresses were delivered by Alok Goyal, COO, SAP India; Navaneet Mishra, Vice-President, Globalization Services, SAP Labs India; and Sanjoy Sen, Divisional CIO, ITC India.

Alok Goyal, COO, SAP India, said, "At SAP, we are committed to expanding our localization initiatives to meet industry requirements that will add immense value to our customers."

Navaneet Mishra said, "The Localization Forum is an opportunity to bring forth SAP Labs' tremendous innovation at play with India focus. This year, we have marched ahead of the curve by not restricting ourselves to localizing standard SAP products, but also conceptualizing new solutions needed for the Indian market today, that can soon be leveraged by other countries as well."

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