2011 Top Cyber Security Risks Report


2011 Top Cyber Security Risks Report 
HP has published the 2011 Top Cyber Security Risks Report, which identifies the growing sophistication and severity of security attacks and the resulting risks. The report provides the information to help enterprises and governments understand the threat landscape and assess their security posture. 
The report also indicates that hacker motivations are continuously changing due to the growing presence of "hacktivist" groups. In addition to changing motivation, advances in attack techniques have led to the increased “success” rate of security breaches. As a result, enterprises and governments are faced with new challenges in assessing and remediating risks. 
According to the report, pure vulnerability volume is no longer a valid indicator of the security risk landscape. While newly reported vulnerabilities in commercial applications continue to decline, a large number of vulnerabilities are unaccounted for, and are, therefore, undisclosed to the broader security industry.  
"To protect organizations against a wide range of attacks, HP has established a global network of security researchers who look for vulnerabilities that were not publicly disclosed. The intelligence gained from this research group is built into HP enterprise security solutions in an effort to proactively reduce risk," said Damanjit Singh Uberoi, Chief Solutions Architect & Security Evangelist, HP Enterprise Security Products, HP India.  

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