Security Update: Seamonkey

Four security update has been released this morning (Indonesian time) and three of them are Mozilla-related products, Seamonkey, Firefox, and Thunderbird. They are now at the latest version. The other security update is Bind. This update traverse back to Slackware-12.2 because it's still widely used in almost all Slackware version.

Other updates happening on -Current is that XOrg now being upgraded to XOrg 1.12.2 and X11R7.7. Emacs also gets a major upgrade to 24.1. The requested libdvdread on LQ has been fulfilled too. The basic development tool automake and autoconf gets an upgrade along with ddrescue.

It's nice to see another update in -Current after almost two weeks without any update.

We can also expect XFCE 4.10 will be integrated in -Current "soon enough". You know who to say thanks to right? :)