Aakash 2 to arrive soon


Minister of Human Resource Development and Minister of Communications & Information Technology of the Country. Kapil Sibal remarked,” An upgraded version of Aakash - the low cost tablet billed as the cheapest computer in the world for students and the teaching community, is set to be launched "very soon".”
He added, "It (the idea of low cost computer) was rejected throughout the world and it was said that India would not be able to make it. Our HRD ministry was committed to the Aakash project and ultimately we came out with the first version of the Aakash which costs Rs. 2,276. Now, Aakash-2 has been rolled out with battery life of three hours, 800MHz processor, providing internet access everywhere and it has a capacitive screen. The process to distribute this device has begun and it would be formally launched very soon.”
"That was the dream and I as minister for Human Resource Development, asked myself the question can I provide a tablet to the students throughout the country that costs a reasonable amount so that all children can afford it and yet is able to deliver through the best technology, the vast information available on the net to them sitting wherever they are," he further added.
Sibal had announced in June that 100,000 upgraded Akash-2 tablets will be given to engineering colleges, for which deliveries were expected to begin in July.

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