Taproot boosts brand imagery of Karbonn Mobiles


Taproot boosts brand imagery of Karbonn Mobiles 
Karbonn Mobiles has roped in Taproot as its creative partner, wherein going forward, Taproot claims to focus on Karbonn Mobiles’ 360 degree creative and marketing communication and to build up a strong Brand Imagery in Indian & Global market. While shortlisting Taproot amongst the best of creative agencies with domain expertise, the communication focus will be on the smart product portfolio and will build up a distinctive niche’ for the smartphone and tablets segmentation in the highly engaged Indian mobile market.
Shashin Devsare, Executive Director, Karbonn Mobiles said, “We are happy to have Taproot as our creative partner who will be responsible for providing 360 degree creative inputs on TV, Print, Digital and Retail Merchandising. After successfully creating a wider brand awareness and deeper penetration in domestic and international markets our next step is now to focus on solidifying the strong brand imagery of Karbonn Mobiles across markets. For the same, Taproot successfully came across as the best choice considering the innovative approach and understanding of the brief. Taproot has a track record for building iconic brand communication strategies for the best of the domestic and global brands. We are confident that our association with Taproot will help us engage better with our consumers, creating strong brand imagery. ”
Santosh Padhi, Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer, Taproot India said, the average age of Taproot India is about 24 years old, that perfectly fits the need of one of the looked upon Indian aggressive and youthful brand, called Karbonn Mobile, both Karbonn and Taproot are very young by nature and I feel that's what will work for the brand and it's quite obvious when bunch of youth come together the outcome of it.

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