Ani-Shell - Php remote shell for remote access & security pentesting
Ani-Shell is a PHP remote shell, basically used for remote access and security pen testing. Ani-Shell provides a robust and a basic interface to access the file system, do some networking tweaks and even test your server for some common security vulnerabilities. The developer has tried to follow a coding standard which makes the code a little clean and easier to understand, Note: How you use this shell is exactly on you, and author pays no responsibility for what you use it for and what may be the consequences.
Features -
Features -
- Shell
- Mass Mailer
- DDos
- Web-Server Fuzzer
- Uploader
- Design
- Login
- Mass Code Injector (Appender and Overwriter)
- Encoded Title
- Back Connect
- Bind Shell
- Lock Mode Customisable
- Tracebacks (email alerts)
- PHP Evaluate
- PHP MD5 Cracker
- Anti-Crawler
- Mass Deface
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