How to Beat Premature Ejaculation

Although the problem goes by many names like quick shooter, fast on the draw, minute man and so on; its true name is premature ejaculation. And there are many men who suffer from this affliction. It is estimated that 20 percent to 30 percent of men suffer from the problem premature ejaculation. It is not uncommon for men, even those outside the 20 to 30 percent to want to last longer. In society people who have less sexual stamina or suffer from P.E. are sometimes looked down upon. However, all hope is not lost for those who suffer from this problem. There are proven ways to fix this problem. There is a lot of data on successful ways to beat premature ejaculation revealed by sexologists. The best thing to do is follow these simple yet effective ways to beat premature ejaculation.

Experience from Masturbation

Masturbation can be a great learning tool on how to overcome premature ejaculating. Many men have trained themselves to finish quickly from masturbation and leaving their partner unsatisfied. Masturbate slowly with the thought of your partner instead. It is best not to practice with porn as it is also a tool used to generally arouse quickly and finish quickly. Masturbate without the porn to increase stamina slowly but surely. Porn may be used as a measure of your progress but do not let yourself ejaculate to it. Learn from masturbating and you can get closer to the goal of stopping premature ejaculation.

Discovering Ejaculatory Inevitability

Ejaculatory inevitability is the point where a man will ejaculate no matter what. It is that point of no return. When you can discover this point you will learn how to control yourself better. After all the practicing you will be doing you will know when this point is coming and how to slow yourself down. The sex exercise mentioned later and the techniques learned from masturbation will help you to control yourself and calm yourself down at this point so you can keep on going with ejaculating.

Kegel Sexercise

A Kegel is an exercise that helps tighten the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor. As stated by a article. Men and women have the muscle. The muscle can be located by stopping the flow of urine. When you do this, you are using your PC muscle. The Mens Health article also has quick directions for a kegel workout, Tighten your PC muscles and hold for a count of 10, then release. Practice in sets of 10. Stronger PC muscles will help you exercise ejaculatory control when you approach the point of inevitability. There are multiple series of different exercises that can be done with kegels and different workouts. It is best to read an article on it and research more as you become more proficient with the kegel workout you are on. There are many articles on this and also some on from other authors as well as me.

Use Other Body Parts

The penis is not the only body part that can be used to please a woman. Try using your hands, fingers and especially the tongue. If you use other body parts well you will be able to help her to reach an orgasm. Once she has an orgasm it will relieve some tension off of you so that you will be less likely to prematurely ejaculate. Other tips for this would be using good positions. Have sex in a position so that you can stimulate the clitoris and lead her to more orgasms.

Do some research and see what works well for you. It is said that an hour of yoga a day for weeks on end can help quadruple how long you can last before ejaculation. Connected to that is proper breathing techniques which are proven to help ejaculatory control. Learning more about kegels may help. It will also be beneficial to a person to do research on tantric sex so that it may boost their sex life and put an end to premature ejaculation. Also in a list of things you may want to look into is a thicker condom to reduce sensation that leads to orgasm. Good luck.


