List of 8 job interview goof-ups

If you think that wearing the perfect dress or bragging about your academic pursuits will help you nail the job interview, you are mistaken. Here is a list of eight job interview goof-ups , usually overlooked by candidates.

1. The Art of Rambling

Rambling , interrupting the interviewer, and answering a simple question with a fifteen-minute reply – all of these can be avoided if you have thought through and practiced what you want to communicate. Keep your answers succinct, tothe-point , focused and don’t ramble – simply answer the question. At the same time, it is hard to communicate with someone who answers a question with a word or two. So, even though you shouldn’t talk too much, you do want to be responsive and fully answer the question as best you can.

2. Weaknesses and Strengths

Only you can recognise your most valuable strengths and hurtful weaknesses . Your weaknesses, if such must come up, should be turned around to positives. Interviewers are always willing to consider imperfect candidates . No candidate ever has everything the search committee wants. However, they are never inclined to consider applicants who are imperfect but think they are the best thing going. If you are missing a key skill or some years of experience, own the weakness, but then describe how your other skills and experiences will help you compensate or catch up quickly.

3. ‘I am Capable of much more’

Overselling skills causes candidates to struggle once they are on-thejob , as they are unable to cope with the expectations from it or causes the interview to go downhill quickly. It is better to commit only to what you have delivered in your previous roles. This will result in deliveries being stronger, if you do get the job and the fear of failure not being imminent. You should be able to clearly learn on a new job, as all businesses are different and there is always learning that can happen.

4. Great Expectations

Today, candidates do not pay much consideration to the job role and industry , as they apply for jobs. Their consideration is the brand and salary package (average) that they read about through the media. This results in expectations not being met, as they are disappointed with the offer.

5. Private Affairs

Keep it professional, not personal. Don’t let business decorum disappear even if the interview is in a casual setting. Refrain from discussing over-the-top personal issues and focus on the position and what you bring to the table.

6. Benefits and more

Some candidates in their first meeting enquire and emphasise a lot about the policies (leave policy, 5/6 day working, office timings, conveyance, etc), and this creates a wrong and tardy image of the candidate with the interviewer and the race is lost before it actually begins.
There is no harm in enquiring about the policies, working culture, office timing or the compensation strategy of the organisation but as it is rightly said, “Cross the bridge when you come to it”.

7. Watch that nerve

Companies look for future leaders in the people that they hire. The interviewees who lose their composure and panic when tested with difficult questions or put under stressful situations, often lose the recruiter’s faith. It is important to be confident.

8. Incomplete Homework

While we expect the interviewees to come well-prepared for the interviews, it is humanly not possible for a candidate to know everything. Rather than making up things, it is always appreciated to be honest about what a prospective employee knows and what he/she doesn’t , what he/she can do and what he/she can’t .

Honesty and integrity are the two virtues that we strongly value and look forward to on-boarding the people who demonstrate these qualities.