Stay Away From VMWare Workstation 9 For Now

You heard the news that VMWare Workstation 9 has been release with it's all new features mentioned on the release notes. It has Windows 8 support, Graphics improvements, OpenGL support for the guest OS, USB 3.0 support, Nested virtualizations, Restricted virtual machines, and many other goodies that might seduce you to upgrade to this version.

Unfortunately, it also came with some known issues that most people didn't read at the bottom of the page. One of the primary issues is that it doesn't work well with Linux Kernel 3.5 because of the changes in the kernel main tree that affects how VMWare works. Some of the comments i received regarding VMWare Workstations 9 stated that it caused their system to crash.

On my system, i tried to upgrade to VMWare Workstation 9 by performing the same steps i have done previously like removing the old configuration and executables files, install it with --ignore-errors parameters, and patching it. It turns out that VMWare Workstation 9 only need 1 patch to be able to work with Linux Kernel 3.5 and that patch is now uploaded to my SlackHacks repository.

Note: The patch is believed to solve the problems by many people according to the original discussion here, but not in my case. I still can't start my Virtual Machine due to stack trace flooding my system whenever i tried to start it.

Looks like i would wait for the next build release that hopefully have a permanent fix over this problems. For now, it's better to stay away from VMWare Workstation 9 until VMWare release another release to fix this problem