More Fixes Coming In

As Slackware 14.0 getting closer each day, no more new packages are introduced and we are now in stabilizing phase where no new feature request are taken unless it's critical and it affects the system in overall. Pat is taking change requests so tightly in the last minute just to make sure that we don't introduce too many regressions to the Slackware 14.0.

Three packages that got into -Current as of today are mc, xine-lib, and xine-ui. Slackware 14.0 might be the last release of Slackware that includes Xine, because since phonon-xine is now deprecated (replaced by phonon-gstreamer), Slackware might have no choice than to remove Xine in the next Slackware release (after Slackware 14.0). Fear not, since we already have MPlayer that is capable of doing what Xine can do and it can do more than what Xine can do. We also have alternatives, such as VLC, built by AlienBOB that does the same job.