[GNUnet P2P Framework] v 0.9.4

GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. A first service implemented on top of the networking layer allows anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing. Anonymity is provided by making messages originating from a peer indistinguishable from messages that the peer is routing. All peers act as routers and use link-encrypted connections with stable bandwidth utilization to communicate with each other. GNUnet uses a simple, excess-based economic model to allocate resources. Peers in GNUnet monitor each others behavior with respect to resource usage; peers that contribute to the network are rewarded with better service. GNUnet is part of the GNU project.

We're happy to announce the release of GNUnet 0.9.4. Key new features in GNUnet 0.9.4 include:
  • flow- and congestion-control for GNUnet's multicast subsystem
  • support for exit policies and exit discovery for the GNUnet VPN
  • support for reverse-proxies for HTTP and HTTPS transports
  • GNUnet Naming System, an initial implementation of the GNU Alternative Domain System (GADS)
  • gnunet-auto-share for automatically sharing a directory is available again
  • gnunet-download now has a progress bar
  • new API for ultra large-scale testing and benchmarking
  • new API for reliable, ordered bidirectional communication between peers
  • reductions in memory consumption (about 25%)
  • performance improvements, especially on W32
Source Code (TGZ)