[GNUnet P2P Framework] v 0.9.4

We're happy to announce the release of GNUnet 0.9.4. Key new features in GNUnet 0.9.4 include:
- flow- and congestion-control for GNUnet's multicast subsystem
- support for exit policies and exit discovery for the GNUnet VPN
- support for reverse-proxies for HTTP and HTTPS transports
- GNUnet Naming System, an initial implementation of the GNU Alternative Domain System (GADS)
- gnunet-auto-share for automatically sharing a directory is available again
- gnunet-download now has a progress bar
- new API for ultra large-scale testing and benchmarking
- new API for reliable, ordered bidirectional communication between peers
- reductions in memory consumption (about 25%)
- performance improvements, especially on W32
Source Code (TGZ)
Download link: