[PwnStar] Version with new Exploits

A bash script to launch a Soft AP, configurable with a wide variety of attack options. Includes a number of index.html and server php scripts, for sniffing/phishing. Can act as multi-client captive portal using php and iptables.  Launches classic exploits such as evil-PDF. De-auth with aireplay, airdrop-ng or MDK3.

Changes and New Features
  • “hotspot_3″ is a simple phishing web page, used with basic menu option 4.
  • “portal_simple” is a captive portal which allows you to edit the index.html with the name of the portal eg “Joe’s CyberCafe”. It is used for sniffing.
  • “portal_hotspot3″ phishes credentials, and then allows clients through the portal to the internet
  • “portal_pdf” forces the client to download a malicious pdf in order to pass through the portal
Updated feature list:
  • captive-portal with iptables and php
  • more php scripts added
  • exploits added
  • mdk3 and airdrop deauth
General Features :
  • manage interfaces and MACspoofing
  • set up sniffing
  • serve up phishing or malicious web pages
  • launch karmetasploit
  • grab WPA handshakes
  • de-auth clients
  • manage IPtables

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